Deva teaser: The makers of the upcoming action thriller Deva have sounded the trumpet, marking Shahid Kapoor’s return to the big screen — this time in khaki. Interestingly, the teaser features no dialogue but brims with Shahid’s trademark swagger and also highlights his finesse in action and dance sequences. The 52-second teaser promises a film packed with high-octane action, mesmerising dance moves and a gripping storyline.
The promo begins showing Shahid owning the dance floor as an enthusiastic crowd cheers him on. While his moves are undeniably impressive, there’s something mysterious about him. Dressed in a white shirt, he pairs it with uniform pants, shoes and a holstered gun. As the teaser unfolds, it becomes clear that Shahid plays a fearless cop who will stop at nothing to solve cases, showing no hesitation or remorse in his methods.