Another year, another patriotic film featuring Akshay Kumar. The makers of Sky Force have just unveiled the trailer for the much-awaited movie, which stars Akshay alongside debutant Veer Pahariya. The film tells the gripping story of India’s retaliatory strike on Pakistan’s Sargodha airbase during the 1965 Indo-Pakistani air war. In Sky Force, Akshay and Veer both portray Air Force officers, playing pivotal roles in this high-stakes narrative. The movie also features Sara Ali Khan, Nimrat Kaur, and Sharad Kelkar in important roles.
The trailer opens with a Pakistan army attack on an Indian Army base, resulting in the death of several soldiers. While politicians insist that India, being a “peace-loving country,” won’t retaliate, Akshay Kumar’s IAF officer, KO Ahuja, convinces them otherwise. This marks the beginning of India’s first airstrike on Pakistan. The trailer also introduces Veer Pahariya as Captain T Vijaya, a risk-taker known for his reckless nature, often considered a “madman” by his peers.
As Akshay Kumar’s character pushes his soldiers to carry out the first-ever air strike, it is later revealed that Captain Vijaya goes missing during the operation. While the government hesitates to search for the missing soldier, Ahuja relentlessly urges the authorities to find him. Meanwhile, Vijaya’s wife, played by Sara Ali Khan, places her faith in Ahuja, hoping that he will bring her husband back. The movie is filled with powerful patriotic moments, largely led by Akshay Kumar’s character, who boldly declares to Pakistani authorities that their “baap” Hindustan is ready to strike. One emotional scene shows Akshay delivering a speech, equating Vijaya’s madness to the ultimate form of patriotism.
The last major movie focusing on the Indian Air Force was last year’s Fighter, starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone. Despite the star power, it underperformed at the box office. Whether Sky Force can soar at the box office remains to be seen.
Earlier, a behind-the-scenes video featuring Sara Ali Khan and Veer Pahariya went viral on social media. In the clip, the two stars can be seen dancing together to an energetic Garhwali song, filmed in front of a Buddhist temple. Sara looked stunning in a white saree with floral details, while Veer complemented her elegance in a sharp, tailored suit.